Blogs, articles, and tools

Are You Losing Your Learners?

Are You Losing Your Learners?

The COVID pandemic and rise of the Omicron variant has necessitated shifting what had been classroom instruction to an online format. That has created opportunities for more effective approaches, for example, breaking previously “dense-pack” day-long instruction into...

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Managing Training’s Brand

Managing Training’s Brand

Everything has a brand. You have a personal brand and training has a brand, whether you manage them or leave them to chance. A brand is simply what people think of when they hear the name of a product or service; it is a capsule summary of their perception of a...

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Predict and Prove … or Perish

Predict and Prove … or Perish

I first heard this catchy aphorism from Elmar Kronz of DDI at the ATD Conference in Taipei. I used it as one of the “Four Things You Must Do to Earn a Seat at The Table” in my keynote speech at the recent Center for Talent Reporting Conference in Dallas,...

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May I be Excused? My Brain is Full

May I be Excused? My Brain is Full

In Gary Larson’s famous cartoon, a student asks his teacher if he can be excused because his brain is full. It’s funny as a cartoon, but it is tragic, wasteful, and all-too-common in corporate training. Most training programs try to jam too much content into people’s...

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Stop Taking Orders for Training!

Stop Taking Orders for Training!

Most training and development professionals are motivated by a genuine desire to help people, teams, and businesses succeed. So, when we get the call that says, “I need a training program …” our natural tendency is to say, “Great, we will get right on it.” As it turns...

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